Jim Chapman Psychology
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AboutJim Chapman is a registered psychologist who began working in 1981 in Brisbane. He was worked in counselling, organisational and community psychology for 40 years. He works with clients individually from his practice in Mayfield, predominantly on Thursdays. He has trained in several modalities including Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Gestalt Therapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing), interpersonal communication, assertiveness and trauma-informed counselling. He also provides training and organisational consulting in a wide range of topics such as mental health at work, critical incidents, stress, grief, organisational change, executive mentoring as well as conflict resolution, mediation and organisational futures and decision making. Jim has a background of work in many sectors including construction, management, media and arts. He worked in South Africa for several years, providing leadership and training for NGO's lecturing at Rhodes University and producing a documentary series for Radio National ABC Australia. Also Check Out:
Location 40 Gavey Street Mayfield 2304 The clinic is located in a former "University of Newcastle Building" which is now used for professional suites. When you arrive please take a seat in the waiting area and you will be attended to. If Jim does not call you wehn you expect please ring 0480 239 200 and let Trish know you are there. |
Contact :
Email: admin@jchpsych.com
Phone: 0480 239 200